Ruff and Sprang tend to a story at a local soccer field

Sunday, June 5, 2011

PEEP! A Short Film Just For Y'all!

Here it is!!

The short film speaks for itself. Watch it. Love it. Show your grandkids.

See y'all fools at the Oscar's.

Directed by Joe Perovich.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

#MNGradPartyTour is on like Donkey Kong!

Joe Perovich strikes the "Jet" Pose next to Boss Dog Marv. (Not seen Estan Tyler reaches for Derek's hips)

What up, Juicy Fam!

Over here in America it's graduation party season, a time when high school graduates hold parties to celebrate their graduation, and all of their friends and family attend. When you're a high school senior, like we here at DEJG all are, you tend to spend a lot of weekends going from house to house, saying "holla holla" at your peeps and snacking on some potato salad.

I know what you're thinking: "AY! DAT AIN'T JUICY!" But keep cool, my babies. We would never let you down.

To keep things dripping the Grad Party Season, me (Scuttlebutt), Derek, Joe Perovich (who WILL be uploading the Juiciest Short Film you've ever seen real soon), and our juicy compadre Jordan Alamat will be documenting every graduate we congratulate in real time. For live updates and lucious photos, stay tuned to my Twitter page on the weekends this summer.

"DAT STILL AIN'T JUICY ENOUGH, DOE!" you say? Hey, we hear you. So here's what we're gonna do: every day, we'll make a point to do everything we can to find the juiciest grad party in town! Wait, you want us to roll into North Minneapolis and swagga step into Big Marv's GP, even if we're the only white folks in the joint?? DONE!

To keep it simple, we're bringing the Juice all over Minnesota, and you're gonna want to see it unfold. Keep those eyes peeled, folks. You're beautiful, and we love you Juicy Fam.

Blog by Ruffy :D