After taking 5 months away from the keyboard to spend more time with my family, I would like to formally announce that I'm back in the blogging game. Every night since the blog was tragically deleted (It was sort of a blog suicide since I deleted it but let's forget about that one.) I have cried myself to sleep and the roads have been rough to say the least; I even contemplated dying my hair and painting my fingernails jet black. The average day in this phase of my life consisted of waking up at 10:00 to watch The View and after this phenominal show I usually ate a couple bowls of Chef Boyardee Ravoilli and slowly feel asleep to re-runs of Family Feud (I'm still not over the John O'Hurley firing but life goes on.......). After this little ciesta ( Spanish anyone?) I usually took in a couple games of Scrabble at the nearest nursing home (Shout Out to Edna and the Gang!!!) and then as previously mentioned I cried myself to sleep. However, to tell you what my normal day was like over this 5 month hiatus was not the objective of this post, it was to let Perez Hilton know that I'm coming for his Gossip King spot and everybody at the Big "I" better be watching their mouth because I'm listening and I will not hestitate to blog about the newest and juiciest gossip. If you thought my first 3 post of my old blog was dyanomite don't be shy to look at this one!!!
Let's rally around this blog and make it this best of all time. Oh and one more thing.........CRYSTAL PROM???
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